Main Care of the Newborn , 8E (2015) Edition: 8
Care of the Newborn , 8E (2015) Edition: 8
Meharban Singh

Care of the Newborn , 8E (2015) Edition: 8

5.0 / 5.0
This is the first textbook of neonatology from the Indian subcontinent which has served as the most trusted resource to undergraduate and postgraduate medical students in pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology for four decades. The book has been extensively revised and updated to incorporate recent advances in the art and understanding of perinatal disorders. All the chapters have been reorganized, revised and rewritten to incorporate additional evidence-based information to make it an up-do-date and comprehensive textbook of neonatology. The book presents an harmonious blend of latest physiological basis of neonatal disorders and the current state- of-the-art information pertaining to their management through a simplified algorithmic approach. Neonatology provides the greatest scope for health preventive and promotive strategies which have been covered in depth. A number of new photographs, images, flow diagrams and tables have been included to make it more reader-friendly and compr [...]
Request Code : ZLIB.IO17868909
CBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt Ltd, India
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
9788123925882, 8123925883

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