Main Of Wulf and Wynd, Part 2 The Bracelets of Ælfwynn Edition: First Edition - July 2022 – 01

Of Wulf and Wynd, Part 2 The Bracelets of Ælfwynn Edition: First Edition - July 2022 – 01

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Until the end of her days. Prince Tharon's attempt to spy on her enemy kingdom might cost her the only person who once held her heart. But she is unwilling to accept Roswynd's greatest sacrifice, even if it means ending her life too. Tharon will battle death to save her wife so they can live out their days together. Princess Roswynd's final attempt to reach her childhood best friend may forever change the course of their future. Their forced marriage is unbearable and heartbreaking, but Roswynd will make any payment to save Tharon from the rage consuming her. Together, Roswynd and Tharon face their damaged relationship and try to find ways to mend their hearts. They decide that the best way to heal themselves and their kingdoms is to face the past and right old wrongs. Now they must untangle the dark past created by their parents. But can they handle what they uncover, or will it send their kingdoms into an uglier [...]war?
Request Code : ZLIB.IO18289494
Luthor Publishing
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
9781952993084, 1952993083, 9781952993091, 1952993091
The Kingdoms of Gyldren part 1

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